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Venue address: Binsted Farm Studio, Binsted, BN18OLH

Directions: (Do not take sat nav route)

Address is

Marsh Farm House 

Binsted, Binsted lane 

Nr Arundel 

Nr BN18 0LH

Come off A27 just before Arundel on right heading east - sign Binsted. Take first left. Then right. Past Black Horse pub.

Past church 1.5 miles in bend to left, take track right at white sign Marsh Farm House. Past pond on right, I'm on right into where there's a tumble down barn just before white gates. If stuck. 07900 655613 Thanks - safe journey.

Christopher Baker B.A (Hons.) Fine Art, Post Graduate Certificate in Education Exeter University.


He has travelled widely to explore different landscapes including The High Arctic and Antarctica. Whilst still a student he was awarded the David Murray Landscape Scholarship by the Royal Academy of Arts and other major awards include The British Arts Council and Canadian Arts Council.


He is passionate about the communication of ideas on painting and love of landscape. Solo shows included The Medici Gallery, Cork Street, Pallant House Contemporary Art Gallery, Moncrieff Bray Gallery, and Portsmouth Museum of Art. Group shows at the Royal Academy, Royal West of England Academy, Royal Watercolour Society, Royal Society of British Artists, Brighton Museum of Art, Banff Centre for the Arts, Alberta, Royal College of Art. Christopher Baker lives and works in Arundel, West Sussex. In 2010 he took a major acting role alongside Tom Hiddleston in 'Archipelago'- Directed by Joanna Hogg.


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